
Are you...

Feeling overwhelmed with an FPIES diagnosis?
Unsure about starting solid foods and confused about where to begin?

I’m glad you’re here! 

As a FPIES mom, I understand how challenging dealing with this rare food allergy can be - it was not easy, even as a dietitian. Navigating the information overload was especially tough, so I created a guide to highlight what you need to know about FPIES. My hope is that this guide will empower you to feel confident in making the best decisions for your child. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey.

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A Mother’s Guide to Navigating Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome (FPIES)

and your newly diagnosed infant

Each milestone with your baby presents its own challenges and lessons. This guide provides best practice guidelines and personal reflections of the challenges that I faced when dealing with FPIES.

In this easy-to-read guide, you will learn:

  • What FPIES is

  • The meaning of high risk and low risk foods

  • Signs and symptoms to look for

  • How to navigate breastfeeding, topping up with formula and weaning

  • & more! 


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