Help Ease Your Child's Anxiety During Blood Work: What You Should and Should Not Say

mother and child talking with doctor

Need bloodwork for your allergist? Or time to get the flushot? Here are some tips for what to say to your kids to help ease their anxiety about needles.

Let's face it, it does hurt a little and it is scary even for some adults. Don’t say:

  • It doesn’t hurt

  • Big kids don’t cry

  • Stay still or it will hurt more

Say this instead:

  • You will feel a bit of pressure

  • I see you are trying to be brave

  • You can hold my hand if you are scared

Saying that it does not hurt makes them distrust adults. Tell them ahead of time that you will feel a bit of pressure. Parents can role model this process through pretend play using doctor play-sets. Take turns giving your child "an injection" and let your child do the same to you or a stuffed animal.

During the procedure, validate their fears and let them know that you are there to help. Tell them that it is ok to be scared, they are being brave and you will be there to hold their hand. Hold younger kids sit while they are seated on an adult's lap if it helps. Reward kids with hugs, kisses, stickers or a toy after. Planning a fun activity after the procedure can also help ease their anxiety (eg. trip to dollar store).