Posts in Food Allergies
Is Soy Oil Or Lecithin Safe If My Baby Is FPIES To Soy?

Is corn oil ok if my baby reacts to corn?

In FPIES, the reaction is to the protein molecules in food. Soy oil, lecithin and corn oil are highly refined, which means that most (if not all) of the protein should be removed during the refining process. However, some babies can be sensitive even to trace amounts in highly refined oils. Read more…

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Burnout And Parenting With A Food Allergy

Managing your child's FPIES can be very draining. Burnout among food allergy parents is a real thing!! Where we direct our energy matters. Constant worrying over something that is BEYOND your control is draining. It leads to anxiousness and most importantly, it makes you feel helpless. Read more…

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Let's Talk Poop And FPIES

Because FPIES moms are obsessed with poop! So what's a normal poop? And what are the symptoms we should be watching for? First of all, let's talk about normal poop in a healthy baby. Even for babies without FPIES, there is a high degree of variability in frequency, consistency and colour - all which are considered normal. Read more…

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When Your Child Finally Outgrows Reflux

To all the reflux mamas out there, I see you. It is brutal. And if you have a special child like mine who defied textbook norms, it gets even more frustrating because you wake up daily thinking that the reflux should be gone by now. At around age 3, I came to accept that I will just have to wait to be surprised. Me wishing that it would happen sooner only added to my frustration…

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