When Your Child Finally Outgrows Reflux


4-year old and finally able to stop all medication for reflux. Having a reflux baby was the toughest thing that we had to deal with. A reflux baby does not friggin sleep! We took turns holding a baby to sleep at night for MONTHS. I remember going crazy due to sleep deprivation. At one point, we even brought the stroller indoors so that we could stroll him to sleep around our kitchen island. We were told that things would improve by age 1 because that is when babies usually outgrow reflux......

Of course, that didn't happen and our reflux baby became a reflux toddler. By 2.5 year-old, he was still waking every 2-3 hours at night. I was angry and frustrated that he did not outgrow his reflux "as expected".

To all the reflux mamas out there, I see you. It is brutal. And if you have a special child like mine who defied textbook norms, it gets even more frustrating because you wake up daily thinking that the reflux should be gone by now. At around age 3, I came to accept that I will just have to wait to be surprised. Me wishing that it would happen sooner only added to my frustration. So yes, these lil ones will eventually outgrow their reflux BUT in their own time. Until then, it is survivor mode.

What is the toughest thing about having a reflux child? Would love to hear your story!