A Letter To My Daughter With A Fat Body

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There is nothing inherently wrong with your body. The world is cruel. Friends, family and even doctors may imply that your body "needs to be fixed". You don't owe the world a smaller body. You owe it to yourself to honour your hunger and fullness cues. You owe it to yourself to move in a way that feels right to you

Remember, the word F.A.T simply describes shape. You cannot tell if someone is unhealthy or good by simply looking at their shape or weight.

You have a bigger body than your friends because of the genes mommy and daddy gave you. Your worth is determined by what you do and who you are, never your size. Your cheeky sense of humour, your curious mind and the adventurous explorer in you - that is what makes you special.

DON'T let anyone convince you otherwise!

So the next time someone makes a comment about your body, tell them that mommy and daddy made you that way.......go talk to them!!