When Your Child Finally Outgrows Reflux

To all the reflux mamas out there, I see you. It is brutal. And if you have a special child like mine who defied textbook norms, it gets even more frustrating because you wake up daily thinking that the reflux should be gone by now. At around age 3, I came to accept that I will just have to wait to be surprised. Me wishing that it would happen sooner only added to my frustration…

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How Getting Your Picky Eater to Eat Vegetables Can Backfire

Parents want their children to grow up healthy. Somehow, that translates to eating the greens on their plates. Parents are overjoyed when their kids happily chomp on the broccoli or salad. We tend to worry when the child is selective about which vegetable he or she will eat. When kids are picky with their vegetables, our parental instincts kick in and we resort to these tactics…

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Introducing Ellyn Satter’s Division of Feeding Responsibility

My approach is guided by Ellyn Satter's Division of responsibility in feeding (sDOR), a recognized model as best practice for feeding children from infancy to adolescence by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and The American Academy of Pediatrics. Ellyn Satter is a Registered Dietitian and a family therapist. Her combined expertise in both fields makes her an authoritative figure in matters related to feeding children. Read more…

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