The Ripple Milk You See Online Is Not What You Get In Canada

Ripple milk in Canada is not fortified with calcium unlike its counterpart in the USA. This is unfortunately quite misleading. The website claims that Ripple contains more calcium than milk but there is no indication anywhere that it is not fortified with calcium when sold in Canada. So I combed through the website fine print "pertains to US products only". Sneaky sneaky.

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Just Because I Can Have Eggs in Baked Goods Does Not Mean I Don't Have an Egg Allergy

This is where things get tricky… There are several types of protein in eggs. Some of the allergenic protein can be broken down by extensive heat. Cooking an egg well does NOT mean that ALL the allergenic protein is destroyed. You may have heard that some kids with egg allergy can tolerate eggs in baked goods. While that is true for some kids, not every kid with an egg allergy is the same. Read more…

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How My Baby Taught Me a Lesson on How to Deal with FPIES Reactions

I lost count of how many times she pooped in the shower. The first time she pooped while we were showering, I shrieked for my hubby to come help. I was just super grossed out and did not want her stepping in her own poop. I did this twice until I noticed she started being afraid of stepping into the shower. Read more…

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Do Not Rub Allergenic Food On Skin Before Feeding It To Baby

Yes, you read that right! A reaction through the skin may not mean that your child is allergic to the food. Some kids may develop redness when their skin comes in contact with a certain food. But they can ingest it with no problem. This is a case highlighted by @kidswithfoodallergies. Read more…

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Why Is FPIES So Friggin Complicated?

Among all the cases I see, FPIES is one of the tough ones to figure out. Why? Because there are no straight answers. We cannot predict when your child will outgrow FPIES. We don’t know if your child will react to a food unless you try it. A child may react to a low-risk food but ok with another food that is deemed high risk. There really is no predictable pattern! Read more…

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